
Our mission is to inspire and empower youth to achieve self-sustainability through gardening.


The Green Therapy is an SF Bay Area-based 501(c)3 nonprofit organization founded in December 2022.

The undeniable fact is that we are ripping apart our planet and all of its biological diversity. From the thousands of species we drive into extinction to the millions of acres of land we deforest every year, our actions truly do have consequences. We are pushing the planet to the very brink of its capacity—and there is not much time before it inevitably collapses.

We believe that it is not too late to redirect this plight—although first, as individuals, we must play our part in protecting the environment. How you may ask? By making the switch to EVs or going solar, perhaps? Although these techniques have proven effective, they are often inaccessible or inapplicable to the vast majority of the global population.

Sustainable gardening, on the other hand, presents a unique opportunity. Not only is it profoundly impactful on the environment—by reducing food waste, preserving native biodiversity, and combating pollution—but it also proves universally accessible. Gardening is not bound by geographical or economic constraints—rather it is a choice that anyone in any corner of the world can make.

Therefore, at The Green Therapy, we are dedicated to paving a path for youth—the future leaders and changemakers of our world—to combat climate change and take environmental action through sustainable gardening.

We believe in a collective, action-based approach to tackling the climate crisis.


Our organization is 100% publicly funded by for-profit companies, non-profits, and individual donors.
