Stone Fruits

A stone fruit, also called a drupe, is a fruit with a large "stone" inside. The stone is better known as the seed.

Plums, Peaches, Cherries, and Apricots are all stone fruits—they have large seeds relative to the size of the fruit.

Stone fruits contain many vitamins, such as vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin K, and many other nutrients, antioxidants, and minerals. They provide hydration and are low in calories and fat.

Maximizing Yield

  • Do not overwater your trees

    • This can lead to root suffocation, root rot, and other harmful diseases. Although trees do need a lot of water, letting the water drain away promptly is very important

  • To maintain healthy root growth, water your plants infrequently but deeply.

    • Heavy clay soil with compost helps to increase water drainage, and thus is beneficial for root health.

Recipe Ideas

Grill your stone fruits and combine with yogurt, honey, and cinnamon to produce a delicious and light dessert or breakfast! You can add other fruits and toppings like mint if you want to have an even fresher taste!

References: Unsplash,

  • Stone fruits should generally be planted in spring

    • The weather is cool, the ground is easy to work with, and the weather is sunny to prevent waterlogged soil

  • Prune your plants during March.

    • How should you prune the plant? In its first 2-3 years, you should only snip off side shoots called “suckers”. These suckers typically grow sideways, branching off from the main stem.